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Head Rush Technologies Announces Pricing, Specs, and Release Dates For FlightLine

We excited to announce pricing, specs, and the expected release date for our newest adventure and amusement product. FlightLine Commercial Free Fall Device is a revolutionary free fall ride, taking your visitors to new heights. Step up and take flight with FlightLine—coming Summer 2015.

FlightLine is a game-changing ride that blurs the line between ground-based amusement and sky diving, allowing visitors a staggering free-fall experience from heights between 18.3–30.5 meters. Pricing is expected to be around 14.500,= Euro. What separates FlightLine from other free fall devices is its ultra-soft catch for rider comfort, built-in redundancy for enhanced safety, and extensive free-fall for extreme thrills.

"When we began testing the device on Head Rush Technologies' drop tower (a 75' tall bucket truck we employ for such testing), we were excited to see how effective the two-stage braking was—it was our softest catch yet. We also learned another interesting attribute: it was crazy fun," says John McGowan, President and CEO at Head Rush Technologies.

FlightLine Features:

  • Largest and longest free fall sensation of any mechanical descender system
  • Fully redundant system designed in compliance with EN341, ASTM F24 Amusement Ride Standards, and TUV* (Certification pending Beta trial completion)
  • Higher throughput compared with competing bungee-type systems
  • Lower maintenance and upkeep than competing bungee systems
  • Staged universal braking system for a variety of rider weights from 34–130 kg
  • Uses our proprietary non-contact eddy current magnetic braking technology as well as our patent-pending safety arrest and webbing systems for smooth and consistent braking
  • Able to be operated and mounted in a location underneath the launch platform for the participant which leads to a very unique and exhilarating experience or above the platform
  • Designed for platforms at least 18.3 meters. Special ripcords can accommodate platforms up to around 30.5 meters
  • Specs:
    • Dimensions: 615 meters tall x 457 meters tall x 234 meters wide
    • Device Weight: 36 kg
    • Rated Working Capacity: 34-130 kg

This thrilling ride begins before you even step over the edge. Imagine being more than 60 feet in the air, standing at the edge of a platform with nothing but a carabiner attaching you to the device. Even the bravest thrill-seekers will struggle to muster the courage to take flight. Once you jump, you realize the true height of the platform as you free fall through space, the ground comes closer and closer until you feel the gentle engagement of the brake. Before you realize it, you're standing on the ground and the surge of adrenaline hits. This device is so smooth and comfortable that all you remember is the fear of jumping, the feeling of free falling, and the excitement afterwards. No harsh recoil or hard braking. Your customers will love everything about FlightLine. Incredibly smooth, incredibly exhilarating.

*Note: This product is still in development. All pricing, specs, and features are approximate and subject to change before the actual product release.
