In Leisure & Recreation industry circles, this new trend has got a name: Family Entertainment Centres (FECs). FECs aim to offer a comprehensive and exciting fun experience by bundling different activity types and programs into one all-inclusive outdoor recreation package.
Ski resorts already have many assets that will benefit them when working to grow their summer business: beautiful scenery, infrastructure at the base, a pool of potential employees, and name recognition.
Zip lines may seem simple on the surface; clip your trolley onto the line, and let gravity do all the work! But there are many factors and plenty of work behind the scenes of every zip line installation.
Our goal at Skywalker is to help create the best rider experiences and to improve operations for climbing facilities, adventure providers, and zip line operators. The zipSTOP Zip Line brake came to be when we saw an opportunity to create a braking experience that is hands-free for the rider while also easy and efficient for zip line guides.
There are a lot of options out there when it comes to zip line trolleys. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the vast number of choices. With all of the competing products out there, how are you supposed to find the right fit for your zip line? A good place to start is figuring out if you need a zip line trolley with a handle. Zip line handles are great for a number of reasons. They give riders control over their orientation, reduce injury risk and give psychological support by providing an added sense of security.